EMMA Talks: Kian Cham

EMMA Talk Info

Date | April 8, 2015

Location | Vancouver, BC


All* The Ways That Capitalism Sucks *Or At Least Some Of Them.


Kian Cham C*  is a community organizer, activist and settler of Chinese and Irish descent. Being involved with projects like the Purple Thistle has brought depth and insight into trying to understand what the hell is going on in the world. The former Surrey gangster, punk, national karate champion, roller derby coach and player has since focused on starting education-based projects, such as FARMcamp – a youth summer camp on Cortes Island – and a grassroots bioremediation course for young people to learn how plants, mushrooms, and bacteria can be used to clean up contaminated land.

Kian currently lives in East Van with all the people a person could want in their life – an awesome partner, a best friend, and a 6-year-old best bud. Kian is currently organizing with the grassroots environmental justice group Rising Tide and is co-founding the Surrey Youth Space – a youth-run drop-in space focused on art, music and activism.

*please note that in the video, it says “Kelsey” as that was his former name

kian cham bio photo

Kian Cham
Community Organizer and Activist