EMMA Talks: Julie Flett

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EMMA Talk Info

Date | Nov 4, 2015

Location | Vancouver, BC


Atayokee! On bookmaking, language and storytelling. November 4, 2015. Vancouver, BC.


Julie Flett is a Cree-Métis author, illustrator and artist currently living in Vancouver, BC, Coast Salish Territories. She holds a BFA from Concordia University. Throughout her career Julie has enjoyed collaborating with children of all ages, including her son Amiel. 

Julie’s work focuses on Indigenous children’s literature and language resurgence. She is the two-time winner of the Christie Harris Illustrated Children’s Literature Prize. In 2010, she wrote Owls See Clearly at Night (Lii Yiiboo Nayaapiwak lii Swer): A Michif Alphabet(L’alphabet di Michif), which was nominated for the Governor General’s Award forChildren’s Literature.

Her book Wild Berries / Pakwa Che Menisu was a First Nation Communities READ title selection for 2014–2015, and in 2014, she became the first recipient of the Periodical Marketers of Canada Aboriginal Literature Award. She has also had the opportunity to illustrate books written by Richard Van Camp, Roy Miki, Tomson Highway, Monique Gray Smith, and David Robertson, amongst others.

julie flett bio photo small


author and illustrator